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Fisher & Paykel Eson 2 Nasal Mask

Fisher & Paykel Eson 2 Nasal Mask

Fisher & Paykel Eson 2 Nasal Mask

Fisher & Paykel Eson 2 Nasal Mask

Price: HKD980

Eson2 Nasal Mask included:

  • Cushion: choose 1 size
  • Frame
  • Headgear
  • User Manual

  • OUR SERVICE 我們提供全面的服務

  • 24-hour HOTLINE:
    We provided a 24-hour hotline for sales and technical support, welcome to contact us anytime to check anything about your orders and enquires.
    我們提供24小時專人銷售及支援熱線, 歡迎隨時聯絡我們查詢.

  • FREE delivery:
    Free delivery for any orders (HK ONLY).
    We deliver the orders from 10am to 11pm at your comvenience.
    專人送機時間由早上10時到晚上11時, 只需通知我們你方便的時間, 就算晚飯後安在家中, 專人仍會為你送上呼吸機及其配件, 同時詳細講解使用, 清潔及保養等.

  • IMMEDIATE Delivery | 專人送貨:
    We will delivery the order after confirmation, if urgent, your order will be DELIVERED same day as order confirmation, check with us in details. Also in free of charge!
    我們提供最快即日送到, 當日下單, 當日收貨. 緊急訂單及送貨詳情請先聯絡確認. 費用全免!

  • Pay after delivered | 貨到檢查滿意後才付款:
    Once your order was delivered, please check the items in details before payment, if any problems, you can cancel the deal without any charges.

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